
This wristwatch fitted with Garmin optical heart rate sensing technology can provide users with accurate heart rate data at any time.

The heart rate's varying frequency is determined by the activity strength of the user. When you wear the Garmin optical heart rate wrist watch to start an activity, the optical heart rate sensor will continuously monitor the heart rate condition for the specified activity period and constantly provide feedback.

Heart rate zone

With values of the resting heart rate and the maximum heart rate, it is easy and quick to obtain your exercise heart rate information, trace a personal heart rate and the heart rate zone, which assists in obtaining the maximum efficiency and the highest benefit during exercise without using the heart rate monitor.

Warm-up zone

A very relaxing pace, which is the zone that facilitates warm-up before exercise and recovery of physical capability.

Fat-burning zone

A comfortable pace at which you can chat with others, which is also the heart rate zone with the highest fat-burning ratio.

Aerobic endurance zone

Which increases the moderate strength training capability and the training efficiency, and is the optimum training pace to facilitate basic training for physical capability.

Marathon pace zone

It is a recommended heart rate when running the marathon, which has high strength and high speed.

Anaerobic endurance zone

The energy source for the strength of this zone mainly comes from anaerobic metabolism, therefore it cannot be maintained for an extended period of time. However, it can train the anti-lactate capability and the maximum oxygen intake.

The energy system

Define a different training strength by a different heart rate zone. It can be divided into six levels from low to high. Each training strength has its training effect and meaning, which can bring you a different benefit in your training program.

Strength E

  • Training purpose: Increase your aerobic capability and train your basic physical capability
  • Course example: Running with E-strength for one hour
  • Self-feeling: Easy with natural breathing; the speed that you can chat with your friend easily
  • Strength M

  • Training purpose: To simulate the contest strength; the pace to get used to a long-distance running
  • Course example: Running with M-strength for 30 minutes
  • Self-feeling: slightly tough, breathing becomes deeper but not to the level of breathless. You can still sustain for a rather long period of time.
  • Strength T

  • Training purpose: To stimulate the lactate threshold and strengthen the lactate removal capability
  • Course example: Four rounds of Strength T for 5 minutes, 1 minute for rest between each round
  • Self-feeling: Tough, beginning to breathe quickly. This training will give you a "joyful" feeling. Specifically, lactate will start to accumulate causing your muscle to feel swollen and painful during training. Nonetheless, it gives you a joyful feeling after training.
  • Strength A

  • Training purpose: Increase the anaerobic endurance and train the anti-lactate capability.
  • Course example: Four rounds of Strength A for 5 minutes, 3 minutes for rest between each round.
  • Self-feeling: Pretty tough, breathing heavily, but still can control your rhythm, it is nearly out of breath and hard to speak out when running is finished.
  • Strength I

  • Training purpose: Stimulate the maximum oxygen intake, strengthen the aerobic capacity.
  • Course example: Six rounds of Strength I for 800m, 3 minutes for rest between each round.
  • Self-feeling: Very tough, it is nearly out of breath at the end of each round. Normally you would feel you cannot make it to the end of the exercise. This is the training course with the highest pain indicator among the five training courses.
  • Strength R

  • Training purpose: To strengthen sports economy, anaerobic capability.
  • Course example: Six rounds of Strength R for 15 seconds, 1 minute for rest between each round.
  • Self-feeling: Movement is light and fast. Breathe a little bit quickly when it is finished. Though the speed is fastest, the training duration is very short, you won't feel too tired after exercise.
  • VO2 Max

    Oxygen consumption by the body in each minute and each kilogram of weight during exercise (mL/min/kg), which refers to the maximum oxygen amount consumed or used by the organ cells when a person engages in the most vigorous exercise at the sea level. If a runner were a car, the maximum oxygen intake is like the maximum air intake for the engine, which is an important indicator to assess good or bad of the aerobic physical capability.

    Lactate Threshold

    The lactate threshold is like a watershed between the aerobic and anaerobic exercises. When below this threshold, the body is mainly based on aerobic metabolism while above this threshold, the body is changed to be based on anaerobic metabolism. It is a critical indicator for maintaining long-time high-strength aerobic exercise. By collecting enormous amount of running pace data via the running meter, it is possible to estimate your lactate threshold. Recommended Pace T and Heart Rate T can directly apply to your Strength T running training.

    * For the running physical capability indicator - the detailed context of the energy system, it is quoted from Xu Kuo Fong's "Critical data a runner should know" Table 2.2 Strength zone summary on P. 42 by Faces Publishing Co., Ltd.