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Global call for entries announced for 2022 Garmin Health Awards

Second annual awards program recognizes the world’s most innovative solutions that successfully integrate Garmin wearable technology into health and wellness programs

我們很高興在此宣布全球2022 Garmin Health大獎開始報名,共同表彰將Garmin穿戴裝置科技應用於健康或保健計劃且成功創造長期商業與健康效益的創新解決方案。我們將於2022年9月29日至30日在義大利羅馬舉辦的Garmin Health高峰會中頒布三大項目的獲獎者,每位得獎者將獲得50支Garmin智慧穿戴裝置,價值高達 $10,000 美元。

We are pleased to announce a global call for entries for its 2022 Garmin Health Awards, celebrating the world’s most innovative solutions that successfully leverage the power of Garmin wearable technology into health or wellness programs. Winners in three categories will be announced at the Garmin Health Summit on Sept. 29-30 in Rome and will receive 50 Garmin wearables valued at an estimated $10,000.

Garmin Health大獎鼓勵參加者在三大類別中選擇申請:

Applicants are encouraged to apply for the Garmin Health Awards in one of three categories:

Garmin Health大獎線上申請時間為2022年6月20日至7月8日止,入圍者將會在 8月收到通知,並受邀參加2022 Garmin Health高峰會頒獎典禮並需於現場展示作品影片。將會由來自保險、健康、健身產業組成的專業評審團,共同評選並現場宣布得獎名單。欲了解更多活動訊息及2021年獲獎名單請至

Applications will be accepted from June 20 through July 8, 2022. In August, finalists will be notified and invited to provide a pitch video that will be presented at the 2022 Garmin Health Summit. Judges from the insurance, health and fitness industries will evaluate solutions and programs at the Summit, and winners will be announced that same evening. Visit for program details, application instructions and a list of 2021 winners.


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